Before you go for a drive, check your tyres so that you do not end up facing a problem on the road. If you want your car to run smoothly, you must take proper care of your tyres. It means you need to check your tyres regularly and make sure that they are in good condition before a journey.
Maintaining your tyres will help save you from trouble down the line. If you drive with inappropriately inflated tyres, it will cause problems with tracking, fuel efficiency, braking, and suspension.
What Does Law say About Tyres?
Over time, the law has become stricter. It is crucial to maintain tyres for your safety. Make sure that the tyres are of the right size and type for your vehicle.
All tyres have a minimum tread depth of 1.6mm and also inflated with their recommended Tyre pressure. If your tyres are not fit to be on the roads, you will be fined and will get three points on your license. At times the license is also cancelled, and you are disqualified from driving.
How To Check The Conditions Of Your Tyre?
Each Tyre should be looked around to ensure that there are no tears, cuts or bulges on any of them. Also, check for nails and stones in the tyre, which can cause damage to the side walls.
How To Check Tyre Pressure?
Always keep in mind to check the tyres of your vehicle when they are cool; that’s when you get a precise measurement. Positively check them before you start your journey.
You should use a pressure gauge to get a measurement. If you are checking the pressure at home, you can buy a pressure gauge or visit a nearby petrol station where you can use it for free.
For each car, the recommended tyre pressure is different. You will find the recommended tyre pressure inside the petrol cap or driver door of your vehicle. If you do not get it in either place, check the owner manual or look online. The carload and the season are also responsible for the recommended tyre pressure.
Unscrew the valve cap on the tyre, and firmly attach the pressure gauge to get a reading. If the Hankook Tyre Reading is lower than the pressure recommended, inflate your tyres to match and let some air out if the reading is higher than the recommended pressure. After you have completed the process, quickly take off the gauge so that no air escapes and place the cap. Repeat this on each tyre, and you are good to go.
How To Check Tyre Tread Depth?
The tyre tread keeps you steady even on a wet road. It channels water into the tyre grooves, providing you with more control on the road. If the tread of your tyres wears down, it becomes less efficient, increasing the risk of aquaplaning, skidding, and brake distance.
The minimum tread depth of a tyre is 1.6mm across the entire circumference and the central three-quarters of the tyre width. Change your tyre, if the tread gets as low as this. Some manufacturers also suggest that you swap your tyres when the tread depth becomes 3mm, as this is when the performance starts to go downhill.
How To Measure Tread Depth?
Place a coin in the groove of the tyre. If the rim of the coin disappears, that means that the tyre has enough tread depth. Repeat this process at least three times in different places as one part can be worn than the other.
As the chances of accident increases when you drive worn or bald tyres, you will be fined and will be given three points on your license for having tyres that do not meet the minimum tread depth. This type of tyre is illegal, so if you are running on a full set of worn tread tyres, you will be banned from driving. Do not forget to check Car Tyres Reading at regular intervals for your safety.
Follow this guide to check the tyre pressure and tread depth correctly and stay protected.