Every credit card holder knows that with a credit card, comes added responsibility. From having to make your monthly bill payments on time and maintaining a good credit utilization ratio to ensuring that the credit history pertaining to every credit card you possess is flawless and holding an excellent overall credit score, credit cards, in a strange way, have the power to influence our everyday lives.
With the advent of the 2019 pandemic, more consumers have begun to worry about their financial instability soon consuming them. Investing in a credit card has become the last resort in many households because of the daunting nature of this plastic card.
However, a credit card has various pros, especially in terms of the cashback, reward points, and discounts you can avail of when making everyday transactions. To reduce the threat of financial instability and prevent the occurrence of any dire circumstances, investing in a credit card with a low-interest rate is recommended. Some articles state that the higher interest you pay, the higher the benefits. They further express that good credit cards require great initial investments. So, what are the best Lowest interest rate credit card in India that do not need large money investments? Let us take a look.
- HSBC Classic Credit Card
This credit card truly lives up to its title of being ‘classic’ with its 3.5% per month interest rate, and 2.5% per month cash advance rate. The supplementary features of this card are quite direct. Owners of this card have a zero lost credit card liability, which is one of its greatest luring features. The other noteworthy feature is the absence of an initial joining fee. However, a renewal amount of Rs. 700 is charged.
- Citibank Rewards Credit Card
This card holds a reputation of mostly being possessed by those who splurge during their regular shopping intervals. It is the perfect ‘rewards’ card. With no expiry tenure on your reward points and automatic gain of 300 bonus points with every Rs. 30,000 spent in a month, this card is made for the typical shopaholic.
It also provides customers with ten times the usual reward points for any purchase made on credit in departmental stores, and one reward point for every Rs. 125 spent. However, the luxury of this card is not only drawn on its ‘rewards’, but it also comes from the cheap interest rates associated with the card. This magnificent plastic card is equipped with a 2% cash advance rate and a 3.15% interest rate. It is also aided by no joining fee.
- HDFC Regalia Credit Card
With a cash advance fee of 2.5% and an interest rate of 1.99% p.m., this card welcomes every Regalia owner with its complimentary 2,500 reward points. The difference between this card and the previously mentioned cards is that this card has a joining and renewal fee amounting to Rs. 2,500. However, most consumers overlook this feature when they obtain the vast spectrum of benefits that come along with it. Priority check-ins at airports, additional 5kg baggage allowance and 15% discount on premium restaurants in India are only some of the amazing benefits the card offers.
- HDFC Infinia Credit Card
For as little as a 1.99% interest rate and advance cash fee, you can be the proud owner of this credit card. On this list, this card is the lowest interest credit card. The features of this card are standard but fulfill your expectations at the end of the day. It allows you to garner 5 reward points for every Rs. 150 you spend and has no established spend limit. However, to compensate for the low interest rate, a joining fee of Rs. 10,000 is charged.